
Friday, August 31, 2012

A Message from President Schnellenberger


From ISTA President Nate Schnellenberger
Thursday, August 30, 2012

ISTA President Nate Schnellenberger shares an important video message about Glenda's campaign for State School Superintendent.

Watch and then share the video with friends and family. Glenda needs the help and support of every Hoosier who supports and believes in our public schools. There are 4 immediate actions that you can take to help Glenda's campaign . . .
  1. Within the next seven days, tell five (5) friends, family members or neighbors about Glenda's campaign. Remember, many people do not understand the significance of this race. Approximately 11 percent of Hoosier households have a K-12 student living in them -- however, public education affects us all. DIRECT PEOPLE TO GLENDA'S WEBSITE:
  2. If you're in the Indianapolis metro area, volunteer at Glenda's headquarters (1449 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis). Or get a group of friends and colleagues together and carpool to help. At the moment, Glenda's campaign could really use help assembling campaign materials. If you have time to volunteer, you can do so through Glenda's website.
  3. Stay tuned to Glenda's upcoming appearances. A calendar of events is posted on her website ( You can also find the calendar on Glenda's Facebook page. Attend as many events as you can to show your support for Glenda and public schools!
  4. DONATE TO THE CAMPAIGN! Like it or not, money makes a difference in political campaigns. The amount of cash on hand by the day after tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 1, will determine the type of advertising Glenda's campaign will (or will not) be able to purchase in the upcoming weeks.
With our help, Glenda can compete with Dr. Bennett and his deep-pocketed supporters. But she needs our help to keep this race competitive by giving her the resources she needs to get her message out!


You may contribute on-line or mail a check to Ritz4Education,
4783 West 1000 North, Fountaintown, IN 46130


Friday, August 24, 2012

Meeting Information and Updates - Letter from ISTA-R Allen County President

Greetings. I hope everyone has had a good summer.

As you know, our calendar went out with Patty Martone, being our speaker for the November 8th meeting. Then Patty passed away unexpectedly at that same time. So changes have been made.

The speaker for that meeting will be Nate Williams, Attorney with Shambaugh, Kast, Beck and Williams.

He will be speaking to us and including a question and answer time regarding things we need to know or need to be doing at our age or for some of the newly retired, maybe what your parents need.

Shambaugh, Kast, Beck and Williams is the law firm that provides us with the benefit of two free half hour sessions per year.

The November 8th meeting will be held at Wu's Restaurant, 4411 Coldwater Road at 12:00 noon.

Our first meeting of this year will be held Thurs. Sept. 13th at 12:00 noon at Chop's Steak and Seafood, 6421 W. Jefferson. Craig Blume from ISTA will be our speaker, bringing us up to date on what is happening.

Looking forward to getting back together.
Fran McIntosh, President
ISTA-Retired, Allen County Chapter

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Get to Know Glenda Ritz and Vote the Promise




I-PACE Recommended Candidate for
Superintendent of Public Instruction

Glenda has produced a Youtube video introducing herself to educators across the state. Please take a moment to watch the video and then share it with your colleagues and family so they can see why we need to elect Glenda as Superintendent of Public Instruction!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

By last count, State Superintendent Tony Bennett accepted somewhere in the vicinity of $325,000 in campaign money from out-of-state interests.

  • Tens of thousands of dollars coming from Chicago and New York City hedge fund managers.
  • Two hundred thousand dollars from Wal-Mart heiress and Arkansas voter Alice Walton.

Glenda Ritz needs and deserves our help. Winning this election rests on our putting our time, talents, and some of our “treasures” on the table.

Hoosiers helping Hoosiers.

A suggested contribution to Glenda is $100 but a minimum of $25 will ensure that a Ritz4Education “Campaign-In-A-Box” will be delivered to your home. The Campaign-In-A-Box will include suggestions for engaging other voters, 1 yard sign, 6 window stickers and 20 campaign cards.

You may contribute on-line or you may mail a check to
Ritz4Education, 4783 West 1000 North, Fountaintown, IN 46130