
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 10 Meeting

The ISTA-Retired Allen County chapter will meet Thursday, May 10, 2012 at Hall's at Coventry, 5745 Covenntry Lane, F.W. at 12:00 noon.

David Dew will do a Historical Presentation on "Joshua Lawrence Chamberlin, "The End of theLine."

We wil be collecting books to give to kindergarten or first graders at an inner-city school.

Officers will be elected for the next two years. There will be an update of public education issues and legislative action. The background of the Fort Wayne Community Schools referendum to be voted on at the May primary election will be discussed.

All retired public educators, their spouse, and guests are welcome.

Please RSVP by May 7, 2012 to the FWEA office at 1-800-638-7649 or to Dorthy Epple or call her at 436-2326 and leave a message. Thanks.