
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Primary is Where the Real Choices Are

“I never vote in the primary. I always wait for the November ballot.”

Is that the new ‘one and done’ approach to political medicine? The primary is where the real choices are. So let’s do a little research and study up for our May opportunity to elect the rabid, the moderate, or the perennial candidate.

Who will be on your specific ballot? Where do you live? These should be easy, quick questions to answer, but alas, they are not. We can answer the Who, but you will have to answer the Where. If you are a member or guest at the Fort Wayne ISTA-R meetings, you probably live in one of the following Indiana House districts and this is who will be on your ballot. Articles in the newspapers reference these district numbers. Your location is important to knowing whose positions to study.

Click HERE or on the image below for the list of candidates.

Many websites will help you find your Indiana and federal districts. Ballotpedia, US Elections, Indiana.Gov, and Wikipedia can help. Or simply Google the question, "In which Indiana senate district do I live?" You will find your answer. To examine the candidates, google the name or use information on other sites devoted to the candidate. As you can see, the primaries are where the action is, where the real choices lie. Please vote on or before May 3.

If you live in Indiana you can register to vote by clicking HERE.

If you live in Allen County and want to vote early? Click HERE.


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